
Here’s is information on common evidence-based intervention that the GTRN utilizes to support communities heal from the effects of armed conflict. This includes resources on PTSD and PTSD treatment.

What is — Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Treating PTSD:

What is — Prolonged Exposure Therapy

Prolonged Exposure Therapy  Manual

What isCognitive Processing Therapy 

Cognitive Processing Therapy Manual

What is — Written Exposure Therapy

Written Exposure Therapy Manual–_3jy3jkRo3P0Wj96VzZv_6S85mThrHZWgibmPwyqozmfyRu0913jeSVzfUj22ZqB4.t15MqbXL8p7wEf1r8bkD-D1zrF3-duueEixmbszA3Ps&dib_tag=se&keywords=written+exposure+therapy+for+ptsd&qid=1737401218&sprefix=written+e%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-3


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